ACS Certification (M) Sdn. Bhd. is striving to continually improve performance and efficiency so as to provide a high level of quality and safety to our customers.

To achieve this we have implemented the Quality Management System as prescribed in ISO 17021-1:2015 for Certification/Registration Bodies, which both management and staff embrace in all facets of their work in the Company.

The management understands and is aware of the importance of credibility in certification, impartiality and not having any conflicts of interests in our delivering of certification services and activities. To this end, we shall strive to manage any potential conflicts of interests and to ensure objectivity of our certification activities.

ACS understands and is responsible for the impartiality of it’s management system certification activities and will not allow commercial, financial or other pressures to compromise impartiality. We also have identified the risks related to conflicts of interests arising from provision of certification including any conflicts arising from it’s relationship on an on-going basis. The risks assessment process leads us to identify an advisory council comprise of interested parties to advise ACS on matters affecting impartiality including openness and public perception.

It is acknowledged that quality improvement and growth comes through listening to our customers and meeting their demands including earning their trust through confidentiality.

We remain ever mindful that our customers do have a choice. It is also our policy to authorise managers and staff to carry out functions based on their competence to do so (staff empowerment). These authorisations are clearly defined in the Management Systems Register.