ACS require an applicant seeking certification to a quality standard.

An ACS certification (M) Sdn. Bhd. questionnaire would be given to you to complete. Once completed, you give it back to us. This questionnaire is to enable us to ascertain the company details, size, complexity, products, processes, intended scope of certification, site(s) to be certified etc. This would enable us to provide to you a formal quotation.

Following your acceptance of our quotation and certification process, you then complete and return the Application Form.

The Company shall require, amongst others an applicant seeking certification to a quality standard to:

  • Complete the Questionnaire.
  • Ensure that a duly authorised representative of the organisation signs the form.
  • Provide on the application form the details and address of the organisation to be certified and provide a clear desired scope of certification on the questionnaire. Ensure that the information provided on both the questionnaire and application form are accurate including the number of staff
  • Comply with all of the requirements for certification and to allow access to any information needed for evaluation purposes, in particular the documented procedures required by the relevant Standard.
ACS will amongst others describe in this document do the following
  • The scope shall be identified using the four-digit ANZSIC code system, or some other coding system, which has a clear definition and provides guidelines and parameters against which assessment may take place. (The Company uses the coding system as a means of auditor team selection and composition and where required expertise deficiency is made up by the use of technical experts).
  • The company will provide the clients with a copy of ACS “Terms and Conditions”. The Application Form shall be signed by a representative of the client and send back to ACS head office. Certification agreement would only be complete with questionnaire, signed and completed application form and terms and conditions.
  • The clients would be updated should there be any changes or revisions to the “Terms and Conditions” by mail or email

Information to be provided by the Applicant Prior to an On Site Assessment

The Company requires an authorised representative of applicant for certification assessment to provide at least the following information with the application and prior to any on site audit taking place.

  1. Relevant details of the applicant organisation as required by the specific certification scheme, including.
    1. Name
    2. Address(es) of it’s site(s)
    3. Processes and operations
    4. Human and technical resources
    5. Functions, relationships to larger organisation (if applicable)
    6. Any relevant legal requirements
  2. State the management system(s) standards or other requirements which the applicant is seeking certification.
  3. Identification of any outsourced processes used by the organisation that will affect conformity to requirements.
  4. Desired scope of certification.
  5. Information concerning the use of consultancy, if so, by whom (if applicable)

Information gathered by the Company, as part of the application process, will be used in the preparation of the on-site audit. This will entail using the information for preparation of checklists, selection and composition of the audit team, providing cost quotations and determining resources to be provided by the organisation.
All of the information provided with the questionnaire and application will be treated in confidence and stored under secure conditions. Refer to WI 001 Client Enquiry


When a customer pays in advance of the assessment, the monies can only be used after completion of the assessment.

This manual(s), in either hard-copy or electronic format, will be kept in such a manner that confidentiality and security is maintained. The responsibility for this is with the assessment team. If manuals are lost or damaged, then this is to be reported to the CEO and/or the appropriate Authorised Manager.
The CEO/Authorised Manager shall put in place the appropriate corrective action and preventive measures.